A few years back this is one of the worst experiences I don't want to remember, if someone asked me to speak or present something in the meeting at that time I would get nervous, sweat a lot, have difficulty in breathing, dizzy, or nausea and blackouts yes, it felt like a faint.
Because of that, it was very difficult for me to communicate verbally to express my thoughts and ideas. As a result, I lost many career opportunities.

As always, I searched the internet and found it to be a phobia called glossophobia.
glossophobia? It is an anxiety disorder – in this condition, a person is unable to control their nerves and has an extreme fear of public speaking, sometimes to the point of a nervous breakdown.
This may be accompanied by uncontrollable tremors, sweating, and a rapid heartbeat.
This can make it very difficult for people to communicate orally to express their thoughts and ideas in a group or social gathering.
On the internet, I found that more than 40 percent people are facing this which means it is a serious issue.

With the help of many websites and books, I worked on it myself, and finally, after working hard on my phobia I was able to overcome it and now I am free from this, I do not panic during public speaking, I do not get feeling of dizziness or nervousness. I can speak anytime anywhere or any place
ha ha ha ha
I am going to share some points which I followed to overcome this which helped me a lot and I am sure it will help you too...Let's start
Make Confidence in Your Self

The most important thing is to work on building confidence. Building confidence means making yourself believe in you that you can do it.
Gaining confidence is a practical thing it means when you are confident in something it means you know that thing well and if you know that thing it means you know about it Huh
Let us take an example...
If someone asks your name you can tell in a second because you know it but if someone asks you what you don't know you can't tell.
So, the point is to know your subject very well.
When you choose a topic, try to choose a topic you already know, or if it's new, prepare yourself for it and don't speak until you know it perfectly.
Lay down your thoughts

Now it's time to frame out your thoughts which you learned or understand about your topic.
Write down completely about it in a simple and understandable way.
Then, let it read and frame/update it again in a way that you like to speak.
For example opening line, conclusion, etc.
Your speech doesn't necessarily have to be perfect, but it should be understandable and everyone can connect with it.
Practice Until You're a Pro

Practicing like a pro here means practicing it until it's on your tips.
like your name or hobby
If someone asks you your name or your hobby, you can tell in seconds without any hesitation.
When you're practicing it over and over again, always look for feedback that you can improve upon in the next exercise. So try to do it for some people you are comfortable with and ask for feedback. It can also be helpful to practice with some people with whom you are less familiar. Consider making a video of your presentation so you can watch it and see opportunities for improvement.
Practice helps you feel prepared and serves the additional purpose of helping you become familiar with your material.
Body Language

A body language also plays an important or important role when presenting or speaking.
There is a slang of many poets and writers that sometimes the body language of the speaker communicates more than words.
Look confidently.
Have a smiling face.
Use facial and hand expressions when speaking.
make eye contact.
speak clearly
open your mouth - don't mind
slow down if necessary
Project Your Voice—Use Energy When You Speak
Mingle with your audience - For example interacting with your audience asking them to share their experiences or ideas.
Use humor as needed.
Try taking sips of water in between talks to get some breaks.
Try using props and extras. For example tools, video movie clip etc.
Many people learn to overcome this by taking public speaking classes.
Understanding the power of positive thinking can also help you overcome your fear of public speaking.
observing other speakers and learning from them the positive "better than them" and negative "mistakes/wrongs they made"
